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Comparative Constitutional Law Research: Journals


A number of periodicals offer coverage of topics related to international and foreign antitrust.  These titles are listed at right.  To access most of the electronic titles, you must be on a Loyola campus terminal, or have a valid Loyola user ID and password for remote access.  Note that many law reviews and journals focusing on international law also publish articles on international and foreign competition law. The texts of international law reviews and journals are available in Westlaw, LexisNexis, and HeinOnline, which are all subscription databases. Please see the "Databases" tab for further information on subscription databases. 

Index to Foreign Legal Periodicals

The Index to Foreign Legal Periodicals (IFLP) indexes foreign (including some non-English language) law reviews and journals.  The Index is available in print in the 3rd Floor Reference Section at K33 .I5, as well as online through HeinOnline


SSRN is an electronic repository for international social sciences scholarship that includes the Legal Scholarship Network (LSN).  Thousands of downloadable abstracts, working papers, and published papers are available without charge.  Materials may be dowloaded anonymously or with an individual login/password (free).

Periodicals (Electronic Format)

The following periodicals cover topics related to comparative constitutional law.  The database where the full text of the journal is available is listed after the publication title, although only indexing is available for some of the more recent issues of some journals. Note that journals focusing on constitutional law generally may include comparative law in their scope.  There are also journals that focus on comparative law generally that may contain articles on constitutional law topics.  

Kluwer Law International Journal Library

Google Scholar

Google Scholar provides a search mechanism to locate scholarly literature across multiple disciplines, including law.  Search results on campus will indicate whether the source is available full text through a Loyola database.  Off campus, users may go to the "Settings" link and then "Library Links" to set up results that show links to LUC full text databases. 

Google Scholar Search


SmartCILP is a fee-based legal bibliographic service that allows users to set up a profile, based on areas of interest.  Each week, users receive a list of new articles in law reviews and journals that pertain to their profile from the Current Index to Legal Periodicals.  Some subject headings related to comparative constitutional law are: "Comparative and Foreign Law," "Constitutional Law, Generally." This service is available only to Loyola Law School faculty, staff, and students. Please see a reference librarian in the Law Library to sign up.