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Mergers and Acquisitions - Drafting and Negotiating Documents for Corporate Transactions: Journals, Newsletters & Blogs

A round-up of print and electronic resources devoted to creating the documents involved in the purchase and sale of business organizations.

About this Page

This page contains links to journals, newsletters and blogs and article that may be of value in researching M&A law.

Merger and Acquisitions Journals and Newsletters

Merger and Acquisitions Blogs

A blog is a log or journal of chronological entries (called “posts”) by an individual, a group or an institution, made available at a particular site on the Internet.  (N.b. Legal blogs are sometimes referred to as “blawgs”).  Blogs or blawgs may include a variety of types of articles such as commentary on recent decisions, analyses of legal issues in the news, or lists of the author's favorite web links. In any event, a consensus is emerging that blawgs are having a transformative impact on the world of legal scholarship, due to their ability to allow for the rapid, unfiltered dissemination of legal ideas.  When a “hot topic” legal issue erupts, bloggers are the first to provide reactions, suggest lines of inquiry and provide perspective.  Because many blawgs allow comments, they also serve as a virtual “faculty lounge” or coffeeshop, where ideas can be floated, inflated, debated and punctured, sometimes in raucous, freewheeling fashion.   

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