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Law Library Electronic Resources A-Z: D

New A-Z Databases List

Please note that as of January 2017, we are no longer updating this page. To see our current Law Library A-Z Databases List, go to

Daily Environment Report - Bloomberg BNA

Daily Environment Report is an objective, comprehensive, current source for news on environmental laws, regulations, and policies.  Used by regulators and the regulated alike, this daily publication alerts environmental professionals in all fields to developments in courts, Congress, agencies, industry, and organizations.  For use by current students, faculty, and staff of Loyola University Chicago's School of Law only.

Daily Labor Report - Bloomberg BNA

Daily Labor Report® covers legal developments, labor and employment legislation, regulations affecting the workplace, human resource trends, and labor-management relations -- from Congress, the courts, unions, businesses, the NLRB, EEOC, and Labor Department.  For use by current students, faculty, and staff of Loyola University Chicago's School of Law only.

Daily Report for Executives - Bloomberg BNA

Daily Report for Executives brings you comprehensive, objective, up-to-the-minute coverage of economics, taxes, trade, environment, health care, banking, securities, pensions, antitrust, safety, telecommunications, agriculture, employee benefits, transportation, and regulatory issues.  For use by current students, faculty, and staff of Loyola University Chicago's School of Law only.

Daily Tax Report - Bloomberg BNA

Daily Tax Report brings you comprehensive, objective coverage of taxation, pension, budget, and accounting issues through detailed reports on key legislative, regulatory, and legal tax developments.  For use by current students, faculty, and staff of Loyola University Chicago's School of Law only.

Digital Discovery & e-Evidence - Bloomberg BNA

This newsletter offers a reliable stream of information about developments affecting the production and evidentiary value of electronic documents. The Web edition gives subscribers access to the full text of decisions, rules, and pleadings in major cases dealing with this emerging area of practice.  The site is updated each business day as activity occurs. For use by current students, faculty, and staff of Loyola University Chicago's School of Law only.