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Law Library Electronic Resources A-Z: P

New A-Z Databases List

Please note that as of January 2017, we are no longer updating this page. To see our current Law Library A-Z Databases List, go to

Patent, Trademark & Copyright Law Daily - Bloomberg BNA

Concise yet comprehensive news of the most important intellectual property cases, regulatory developments, and trends, on a daily basis.  For use by current students, faculty, and staff of Loyola University Chicago's School of Law only.

Patent, Trademark and Copyright Journal - Bloomberg BNA

Bloomberg BNA's Patent, Trademark & Copyright Journal provides objective, comprehensive news of the most important intellectual property cases, statutes, trends, and other key developments in all areas of the law, covering every significant development in intellectual property law.

Pension & Benefits Daily - Bloomberg BNA

Pension & Benefits Daily provides timely, thorough coverage of the latest developments in pension and benefits rules, legislation, and cases every business day, with instant links directly to the full source documents.  For use by current students, faculty, and staff of Loyola University Chicago's School of Law only.

Pension and Benefits Reporter - Current Reports - Bloomberg BNA

BNA Pension & Benefits Reporter's Current Reports offers timely, thorough reporting on the content and compliance obligations of pension and employee benefit programs.  Monitor the laws, regulations, cases, and issues that influence pension and benefits policy, design, and administration, and base your decision-making on a complete collection of authoritative pension reference documents and forms.  For use by current students, faculty, and staff of Loyola University Chicago's School of Law only.

Pentagon Papers Library - Hein

The Pentagon Papers are the United States Department of Defense's history of U.S. political and military involvement in Vietnam from 1945 to 1967.  Documents can be viewed as high quality scanned images of the original print pages and can be printed or downloaded and saved as PDF files.

Pharmaceutical Law & Industry Report - Bloomberg BNA

Stay informed of regulatory and litigation developments affecting the pharmaceutical and biotech industries.  For use by current students, faculty, and staff of Loyola University Chicago's School of Law only.

Philip C. Jessup Library - Hein

HeinOnline's Philip C. Jessup Library is a compilation of materials developed in conjunction with the Jessup international law moot court competition. The Philip C. Jessup International Law Moot Court Competition Compendium (from 1960 to the present year), which serves as a permanent record of each year's competition, makes up the bulk of the collection. Also available are issues of the ILSA Journal of International and Comparative Law and the ILSA Journal of International Law (also known as the ASILS International Law Journal). Documents can be viewed as high quality scanned images of the original print pages and can be printed or downloaded and saved as PDF files.

Practical Law

Practical Law (formerly known as Practical Law Company) provides forms, drafting aids, “how-to” guides, and overviews in several areas of law, including corporate, securities, IP, finance, employee benefits, labor & employment, and antitrust. Practical Law is especially beneficial to practitioners in transactional law practices. Loyola Law students and faculty can sign up for a free account (a Loyola e-mail address is required).

Privacy & Data Security Law Resource Center - Bloomberg BNA

The Privacy & Data Security Law Resource Center provides in-depth news, legal analysis, and practice tools addressing important issues in privacy and information security, in combination with the full text of relevant statutes, regulations, agency documents and case law.  Full text state privacy and information security statutes are also available, accessible through a series of interactive maps.  This Resource Center is organized topically according to seven broad areas of privacy and data security law: Data Security & Breach Notification; Online & Consumer Privacy; Financial Privacy & Security; Health Privacy & Security; Workplace Privacy & Security; Government Action; and Global Data Protection.  If you need assistance using the Center, a "Quick Reference" card is available online (PDF).  For use by current students, faculty, and staff of Loyola University Chicago's School of Law only.

Privacy & Security Law Report - Bloomberg BNA

Privacy & Security Law Report helps you keep pace with the new laws and rules in this emerging new practice area, with the latest privacy and security legal developments—from online marketing to employee screening to patient privacy.  For use by current students, faculty, and staff of Loyola University Chicago's School of Law only.

Privacy Law Watch - Bloomberg BNA

Stay informed of federal, state, and international developments affecting the privacy and accessibility of information about individuals.  For use by current students, faculty, and staff of Loyola University Chicago's School of Law only.

Product Safety & Liability Reporter - Current Reports - Bloomberg BNA

Product Safety & Liability Reporter offers complete coverage and in-depth analysis of product liability litigation and product safety issues.  This authoritative report keeps your finger on the pulse of all significant developments and issues in product safety and liability, and provides the resource materials you need to represent your clients.  For use by current students, faculty, and staff of Loyola University Chicago's School of Law only.

ProQuest Legislative Insight

ProQuest Legislative Insight is a Federal legislative history service that provides access to thoroughly researched compilations of full text publications created by Congress during the process leading up to the enactment of U.S. Public Laws. Compiled histories include the Public Laws (covering 1929 to the present), along with related bills, hearings, Congressional Research Service reports, committee prints, committee reports, Congressional Record sections, and Presidential Signing Statements, with all documents available as fully-searchable PDF files. ProQuest Legislative Insight also connects to ProQuest Regulatory Insight for access to related administrative law resources. Access is available on campus, or off campus with a valid Loyola ID and password.

For more detailed information on how to search Legislative Insight, ProQuest has assembled a user’s guide, found at

ProQuest Regulatory Insight

ProQuest Regulatory Insight provides access to federal administrative law histories, organized by federal statute and Executive Order, allowing researchers to locate regulations that have been promulgated because of a particular law. Regulatory Insight creates its regulatory histories for individual federal statutes and Executive Orders by compiling pertinent Federal Register pages. Regulatory histories also include links to related relevant legislative history documents in ProQuest Legislative Insight. When complete, ProQuest Regulatory Insight will contain regulatory histories from 1936-2015, along with fully searchable PDFs of all Federal Register issues from 1936-present and of all CFR volumes from 1938-present. Access is available on campus, or off campus with a valid Loyola ID and password.

For more detailed information on how to search Regulatory Insight, ProQuest has assembled a user’s guide, found at