The LUC Library Catalog is where you'll find a record of every book, e-book, set of books, and journal (by title) in LUC libraries. The Library Catalog also provides access to many but not all titles that LUC provides access to via subscription databases.
If you are looking to see if Loyola has a particular book, the best way to search is to click on the Advanced Search link below the search box. That will take you to the Advanced Search screen, Once there, choose 'Title' from the first drop-down box and enter either the exact book title or pertinent keywords. Make sure that you are searching under the "Books, Articles & More" tab to ensure that you search all LUC libraries.
Loyola University Chicago
School of Law Library
Philip H. Corboy Law Center
25 E. Pearson Street
Chicago, IL 60611
Access and borrowing questions:
Research questions:
Main: 312.915.7200
Circulation: 312.915.6986
Reference: 312.915.7205
Interlibrary Loan: 312.915.7202
Fax: 312.915.6797