This guide reflects Loyola law librarians' collective wisdom and experience gained from assisting students with cite-checking and sourcing assignments. Because of the myriad of sources that authors cite to and the ever-changing variety of locations where sources may be found, it is impossible to list in any one place all the "best practices" for every possible sourcing or cite-checking assignment. In addition, not every citation relates to a source which is ascertainable; there may be times where a cite-checker (or editor) has to to go back to an author for a source cited. Having said that, this guide is intended to provide useful information and practical tips on locating and updating eight major types of sources:
The guide does not include foreign and international sources. For these sources consult the Foreign, Comparative and International Law Research Guide.
The Procertas Legal Technology Assessment (LTA) is a series of training modules and assessments designed to help legal professionals become more proficient at using Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft PowerPoint and Adobe Acrobat. The Procertas LTA provides 'competency-based' training and assessment. For each task there is a demonstration video, a practice task, and then a separate assessment. The Law Library provides access to the LTA for all Loyola Law students, faculty and staff. Individual login credentials are required to access Procertas. Contact Joe Mitzenmacher, Reference and Electronic Services Librarian ( or ext. 5-6844) to set up your own account.
Loyola University Chicago
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