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Census 2020: Resources

The Census 2020 Guide brings together resources about why the Census is important, key information about the Census, and where to find additional information.

Census 2020: Census Bureau's website

For official information about the 2020 Census, see the Census Bureau's website.

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Census 2020, United States Census Bureau website for 2020 Census.

Illinois Census 2020, Illinois website for 2020 Census.

Reports and articles


2020 Census Apportionment Results, U.S. Census Bureau
U.S. Census Quick Facts Illinois, U.S. Census Bureau
Illinois Sees Second Largest Population Loss of U.S. States, Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning.
Where Illinois is Losing Population, Chicago Magazine, February 4, 2021.
Five Charts That Show Who's Leaving Illinois and Why, WBEZ Chicago, January 8, 2020.



Interim Report to the General Assembly, Illinois Complete Count Commission, November 2018.

Editorial: An Early Take on What Illinois has at stake with the 2020 Census, Chicago Sun Time Editorial, March 26, 2019.

Money and Power: The Economic and Political Impact of the 2020 Census on Illinois, Executive Summary, Chicago Urban League, May 2019. 

Why Illinois Is Pumping Millions Into the Census, Chicago Magazine, February 2020.



The Upcoming Census Redistricting Data Release, Explained, The Brennan Center for Justice, August 10, 2021

2020 Census Apportionment Results, U.S. Census Bureau
Apportionment and Redistricting Following the 2020 Census, Congressional Research Service, April 27, 2021.

The 2020 Decennial Census: Overview and Issues, Congressional Research Service, April 22, 2019.

The 2020 Census: Frequently Asked Questions, Congressional Research Service, February 21, 2020.

The Decennial Census: Issues for 2020, Congressional Research Service, March 16, 2017.

Uses of Census Bureau Data in Federal Funds Distribution, United States Census Bureau, September 2017.


Census data

American FactFinder - Free federal government website with access to data about the United States, Puerto Rico, and island territories of the United States. American FactFinder will cease operation on March 31, 2020.  Data will be available at the Census Bureau site, - Free Census Bureau's website for searching census data.  

Quickfacts - Free Census Bureau's website for statistics about states and counties, and cities and towns with populations over 5,000.

Data and Statistics about the U.S. - list of links to data sources about the United States.

Census Records Online - National Archives information about Census records from 1790 to 1940.

Ancestry Library - Available to Loyola community only. This database includes access to Census data.