Selected books owned by Loyola are included in the Books section of this guide. To find an item in Loyola's collection which is not on this list, please use Loyola's online catalog. Some suggested subject headings you can search and/or browse:
Legal Assistants--United States.
Legal Assistants--United States--Handbooks, manuals, etc.
Legal Research--United States
In the alternative, you can browse the shelves in the Law Library. Generally, books aimed at paralegals are located on our 5th floor, at call numbers KF320. Books on particular legal topics, although written specifically for paralegals, are usually shelved with other books on those topics. (For example, Basic Administrative Law for Paralegals is shelved with other books on administrative law.)
To locate books in libraries outside the Loyola University Chicago System, use the WorldCat database (valid Loyola ID and password required).
Loyola's online library catalog contains records for all of the books in the Law Library and the University Libraries. A few highlighted books are listed below. Unless otherwise indicated, these books are shelved in the Law Library's Paralegal Collection on the 3rd floor.
To see longer lists of selected books, in three categories - Legal Research and Writing, Paralegal Specific Titles, and Select Legal Topics - scroll over the red Books tab, above, and choose one of the categories that appear below it.
Items that are shelved in the Law Library's Paralegal Collection (3rd floor, Library Lounge area) are indicated as such; otherwise, they are shelved in the Law Library's Main Stacks.