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Study Aids, Study Skills, & Exam Preparation Resource Guide: E-I

This guide brings together all of the available study and exam preparation resources provided by the Loyola Law School Library for its students. The guide includes links to study aids for more than 30 Loyola courses.

On this page

This page contains study aids that begin with letters E-I.

If you need a description of what each of the commercial titles contain, Click back on the 2L and 3L Study Aids homepage for an introduction to commercial study aids. All titles are listed in alphabetical order.

Employment and Labor Law (including Employment Discrinination)

Environmental Law

Estate Planning (Wills, Trusts & Estates)


Loyola students, staff, and faculty can access online versions of West's evidence-related study aids via the Library's subscription to West's Study Aids.

Family Law

Federal Courts and Jurisdiction

Immigration Law

Intellectual Property

International Law

This category dos not include study aids devoted to specific aspects of international law like international business transactions or international criminal law.  To locate those titles, search the catalog and the West Study Aids titles directly.

Law Library

Image of 3rd floor of the Law Library


Loyola University Chicago
School of Law Library 
Philip H. Corboy Law Center
25 E. Pearson Street
Chicago, IL 60611


Access and borrowing questions:
Research questions:


Main:  312.915.7200
Circulation:  312.915.6986
Reference:  312.915.7205
Interlibrary Loan:  312.915.7202
Fax:  312.915.6797