Hundreds of academic journals and law reviews offer coverage of health law topics. Some specific health journal titles are listed at right. Many of these journals are available in print in the Loyola Libraries, and many are also available in full-text subscription databases, including HeinOnline, Westlaw, and LexisNexis.
Title and subject searches for health law journal articles can be accomplished in HeinOnline's Law Journal Library collection, as well as Westlaw and LexisNexis. All the journal articles searchable in HeinOnline are full text PDFs. Westlaw and LexisNexis also have full text databases devoted to periodical legal literature, including separate health journal databases.
Print subject indexes, like the Index to Legal Periodicals and Books, and the print version of Index to Foreign Legal Periodicals are an alternative, sometimes superior, way to find journal article citations. Starting with a print subject index often produces better search terms for use in database searches of journal literature.
Ask a reference librarian if you need help with these sources.
The Index to Legal Periodicals and Books can be searched by subject to find citations to law journal articles about health care. The Index is available in print in the 3rd Floor Reference Section at K33 .I545. Citations to law reviews and law journals can be used to locate the full articles, either in print in the law library, or in a subscription database like HeinOnline, Westlaw, and LexisNexis.
The print version of the Index to Foreign Legal Periodicals (IFLP) is on the 3rd floor of the Law Library, call number K 33 .I5, on the Reference shelves. The subject terms in the alphabetical index are a useful way to begin a search. You will find citations to law journal articles in the index, and can retrieve most of the journals either in print in the Loyola Library, or in subscription databases like HeinOnline, Westlaw and LexisNexis.
SmartCILP is a legal bibliographic service of HeinOnline. Loyola students and faculty can subscribe to SmartCILP and set up a profile tailored to their areas of interest.
Each week, an email arrives with a list of new articles, based on the subscriber's profiled interests, from law reviews and journals in the Current Index to Legal Periodicals. Subscribers can request specific journals, or articles pre-selected by subject headings in the subscriber-created profile. Please see a reference librarian in the Law Library if you would like to sign up.
The following journals may contain articles that are useful for your health law research.
The journals listed here are linked via the most accessible full-text electronic database available at Loyola.If a journal is in HeinOnline, that link will be used.Some journals may only be available via Westlaw or LexisNexis. If Loyola has the print version of the journal the catalog number and location is given under the blue information button. You should still run searches in the larger combined databases on Westlaw and Lexis to ensure that you do not miss any important articles on your topic.
SSRN is an electronic repository for international social sciences scholarship that includes the Legal Scholarship Network (LSN). Thousands of downloadable abstracts, working papers, and published papers are available without charge. Loyola users can register for free access to SSRN and the ability to download documents. If you have any questions, feel free to ask a reference librarian.
Google Scholar provides a search mechanism to locate scholarly literature across multiple disciplines, including law. Search results on campus will indicate whether the source is available in full text through a Loyola database. From off campus, users may go to the "Settings" link and then "Library Links" to set up results that show links to LUC full-text databases.