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Intellectual Property Research Guide: Web Resources

The Intellectual Property Research Guide covers resources for researching patent, trademark, copyright, trade secret, right of publicity, and other areas of intellectual property law.

About Web Resources

This page lists select intellectual property resources available for free on the World Wide Web.

If you are looking for databases with intellectual property applications/regsitrations, including free databases, go to this link "IP Applications/Registrations."


There are useful intellectual property resources available for free on the Internet.  Most of these are from official government websites, like agency websites.  But, there are non-government websites as well, particularly for job postings.

IP Applications/Registrations - For searching patent or trademark applications/registrations, copyright registrations, or domain names. 

Agencies - For websites of agencies or other entities managing intellectual property. 

Associations - For websites of associations focusing on intellectual property.

Job Postings - For websites with postings of intellectual property jobs.

News, Blogs - For websites with IP news or blogs relating to IP. 

Statistics - For websites of intellectual property statistics. 

Subject Guide