This page lists databases for finding intellectual property statutes.
The Copyright Act is at Title 17 of the United States Code. You can access the USC in the following resources.
The Patent Act is at Title 35 of the United States Code. You can access the USC in the following resources.
The federal Trademark Act or Lanham Act is at 15 USC 1051-1141.
The Illinois Trademark Registration and Protection Act is at 765 ILCS 1036/1 et seq. The Illinois Counterfeit Trademark Act is at 765 ILCS 1040/0.01 et seq.
You can access these acts in the following resources.
The Illinois Right of Publicity Act is at 765 ILCS 1075/1 et seq. You can access the Illinois Right of Publicity Act in the following resources.
For a 50 state guide to right of publicity laws, see Rothman's Roadmap to the Right of Publicity.
The Illinois Trade Secrets Act is at 765 ILCS 1065/1 et seq. You can access the Illinois Trade Secrets Act in Westlaw, Lexis, Bloomberg, and the Illinios General Assembly website.
The Uniform Trade Secrets Act is located in the Uniform Laws Annotated in Westlaw and at the Uniform Law Commission website.
The Federal Protection of Trade Secrets law is at 18 USC 1831-1839. You can access this law in Westlaw, Lexis, Bloomberg, Legal Information Institute, and Office of the Law Revision Counsel.
Illinois Trade Secrets Law
Uniform Trade Secrets Law
Federal Trade Secrets Law