This page identifies free Internet resources that include presidential materials.
There also are licensed databases with these materials, such as Westlaw, Lexis, and Hein Online. Access to these materials is limited to members of the Loyola community and in some cases the law school. To get to the licensed databases with agency materials, go to Databases, then Presidential Materials.
Compilation of Presidential Documents (GovInfo)
Executive Branch Resources on the Government Publishing Office's website GovInfo includes links to: the Compilation of Presidential Documents, State of the Union addresses, Public Papers of the Presidents, the Budget, The Economic Report of the President, and other agency and executive materials.
Presidential Inaugural Addresses (GovInfo)
The White House
Includes information about members of the administration, speeches, press briefings, statements, appointments, and nominations.
Presidential Libraries
There are thirteen presidential libraries, starting with Herbert Hoover through George W. Bush. Each library is a repository and archive for the documents of that president's administration.